Page 6 - NanoTowels (Water Liberty) : Flip It & Read It
P. 6

Have you ever looked at the label of your favorite cleaner?

             If not, you should.

             Every bottle of everyday household cleaning products has
             a poison symbol printed on their label.

             This is because most household cleaning products
             contains toxic chemicals that can wreak havoc of one's
             health. In fact, these big corporations are not legally
             required to list the ingredients on their product. Why?

                Quite Simply: These Chemicals Are

                       Proven To Be Dangerous!

               Many chemical cleaners contain harmful ingredients
               that can have negative effects on human health.
               These chemicals can be inhaled, ingested, or
               absorbed through the skin, and can cause a range of
               symptoms from mild irritation to more serious health

               One of the main ingredients in our household cleaning
               products is a chemical called formaldehyde.

               What's so bad about formaldehyde?

                       The EPA reports that formaldehyde
                       causes cancer in animals and may do so in
                        Formaldehyde is the same chemical
                       used to preserve dead bodies for
                        In addition to severe allergic reactions,
                       this gas can also irritate your breathing and
                       cause nausea.
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